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Southwood Riviera, CA

Southwood Riviera is a neighborhood in Torrance, California. With a population of over 16,663, Southwood Riviera is definitely a place to settle down in where you can have a quiet and peaceful life. It is basically one of the best places you can choose to live in California.

One of the other perks of this neighborhood is the fact that there is a beach located nearby that anyone can visit without trouble.

Real Estate

In terms of real estate, Southwood Riviera offers a large variety of properties to buy, although the rate of renting is far more than ownership as the properties are often priced at steep prices. This makes it more likely for whoever is planning to settle down in Southwood Riviera to rent out the property rather than buy it if their income does not allow it.

Education and Crime rate

Southwood Riviera offers some of the best public schools for education, like South High School etc… The crime rate itself is relatively low due to the locality being concise, although there is still a need to remain vigilant.


Overall, Southwood Riviera, while it may have its ups and downs, does offer good parking and public spaces that make life simple.


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